the number of steps you take per minute while runnin


Treatment for Iliotibial Band Syndrome

The most commonly used methods (treatments) are:

·         Rest

·         Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug (NSAID)

·         Physical therapy

Your best option is to get diagnosed by your physician or doctor. He will probably use the Renee or Ober test to diagnose (identify) the problem and suggest the best treatment program through him.

Other Treatments Options:

Strengthen your hip abductor muscles

Keeping your hip musculature stronger will help you to maintain balance and stability throughout your leg. It will also help you in keeping less stress on your ITB and your knee joint.

Lean forward a bit (don’t do it too much!) while you run

The result of leaning forward is that you will land closer to your center of mass on impact with the ground. This will reduce the forces felt at the knee.

Increase your step rate (the number of steps you take per minute while running) by 5-10 percent. 

It is something that might require some training, but it has proved to be effective.

Below are some general guidelines for calculating how you can increase your step rate

·         Tell your friend to record a video of you running for one minute to find out your step rates.

·         Now count how many steps you had taken during that one minute and multiply it by 0.05-0.10.

·         The result will let you know how many steps you should be taking each minute to improve your running technique.

How To Avoid Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Many of those who develop iliotibial band syndrome have bow legs (Genu Varum) and pronated feet.

Therefore one method by which you can limit or prevent the Iliotibial band syndrome is by making sure that your running shoes work against your pronation.

·         Use a mid-foot strike, and lean slightly forward.

·         Stretch after running.


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Treatment for Iliotibial Band Syndrome

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